I finished THE ZAHIR and now I'm with ELEVEN MINUTES. I tried VERONIKA DECIDES TO DIE before these two but honestly it didn't get my interest. I don't call myself a Paulo Coelho fan, I don't follow his principles and philosophies in life. Not yet. He is still a stranger coz I just 'met' him and decided to make him part of my Interests List.
A friend of mine who was a PolSci grad then went to Law school, but unfortunately did not chose to pursue it to follow her dream I consider much more practical, 'introduced' me to Paulo Coelho. His novels are not my type actually which I find so boring. I go for Anne Rice's vampire and immortality stories, or Sidney Sheldon's passionate and sexual ways of expressing love and sweet revenges bringing you to places near and far-from the east to the west, from south to north.
I gave Coelho a try, and the very hour I reached the last page and read the last remaining word of THE ZAHIR, I considered it a great discovery. I liked it! It may seem like a simple story of a husband thinking was abandoned by his wife for a lot of possible reasons, but it implies more of life and knowing one's self.
And now, ELEVEN MINUTES is not making me sleep...more sleepless days and nights to come for sure. How Coelho started the novel already gave me a good impression of it and of him as well. From innocence to mastery, from nothing to everything, from love to sex. It's so realistic for me!
His novels are now my new interest, like a fling always eager to be with, sharing the fun and enjoyment of leisure time. Even if I know there is something more important to look at to, I still take time to give a simple glance of it, or even peep.
And I think I'm starting to love my new "Fling". (grin)
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