It's been a month or so when some of my workmates, teammates to be specific, were promoted, some were transferred and the others left for good. I felt so happy for them coz I knew it's where they wanted to be, and I know they'd be happier. But at the same time, it's a real sad moment of my life also. Just when you're getting closer and more comfortable with them... fate took them away.
Mr. Trulli
Bald, tall, sexy... and I used to "bully" him. Well, not really "bully", but I did not treat him real right when, in fact, he is such a nice man. There were those times I embarrassed him in front of our teammates through jokes. I guess there were also times when I was serious. I don't know what came to up to my mind why sometimes I go beyond what's reasonable. He's not handsome but real good-looking person, no wonder Jun likes him so much... obsessed, I guess. hehe! And one thing I like about him is his willingness to listen about your sentiments and dramas in life. I know a bit of his past good enough to say recovering wasn't easy for him, and here is this man who is more than willing to know your flaws when I think it should be us, who's experiences were not even half bad as what he experienced, yet we are racing who should talk first. His open-mindedness about almost all the things in life. How he's trying to make up for all he missed due to reckless young mind. How loving he is for the woman of his life now. How he values his soon-to-become-a-father. Those are just some of the things I know about him but failed to realize everyday. He was promoted and I never thought we'd miss him like this intense.
Medium height, more than chubby, less than a talker yet really intellectual. Never thought we'd be closer than I imagined we will be. First impression: BORING! But to be honest, she's not. She can crack jokes and utter words you never think a Gee would ever say. Serious she may look like, but funny when she talks. hahaha!! Tsk... aahh!!! I was under the impression that she's a symbol of secrecy but she's not... such a GOSSIP GIRL!!! hehehehe! But I actually learned a lot from her, from people to things, books to movies, malice to devil-may-care. She has never tried having a boyfriend but I bet she's gonna have one soon, someone she calls her IDEAL MAN- Derek Ramsey or Doug Kramer feature will be OK for her. hehehe! Now she's leaving for Singapore next year and we pray for all the good things to happen in her life there. I'm soon to lose one buddy here in the Phil.
A girl of her age, stable-life in general and lovelife as well, with a clear direction of her future.
We never get so close but we go out together with the same circle of friends, and in fact, her and her boyfriend-soon-to-be-husband's home is what we have come to consider our party place. Such an accomodating person really. At first, you might get intimated but she is just so natural and true. Now, same with Mr. Trulli, she was promoted. I can still remember how she, with all effort, beg our Sup to have her transferred back to our team. It was just a day after her promotion. Seeing her these days made me say I had the luxury of time knowing her but I didn't make use of it but no regrets at all coz we've got more worthwhile moments now. We "party" for reason. She got promoted with Jamie and Pigz.
Petite and looks single. Well, she is! But she's got her precious li'l Sam, her only child. She got pregnant at an early age, and if you were to ask her, she'd answer, " I used to be so rebellious so it pays everything." But now, I can tell her life is totally different from what she used to live. She is a strong woman, I can see. From all those experiences I don't think she will easily give up life's rudeness and selfishness. I appreciate everytime she shows interest in knowing some details of my 'confused' life. Such a vivid and happy person really.
They are just some of those people who marked my life with meaning and importance. Their lose means so much difference and loneliness, but I know I can cope up with it.
Don't cry because it' over, smile because it happened.
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