Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Breaking off
Afterwards, I felt so tired and I don't know why.
Maybe I just really need a serious break. I've been "breaking" for couple of times and I think it's no longer good. Well, I really don't give a damn care coz right now I want to have a break! And I don't think all those breaks were enough, so this time, this "break", I should take things seriously. I need to accomplish what needs to be done. I gotta call in the office so I can be absent today then unwind and relax, think things over, ponder on some mistakes, contemplate on decisions I have to make. In that way I'll get refreshed.
I guess I need to give myself consideration for all the confusions and irrationality of my young mind. But being young is never an excuse for me and it'll be obvious bias if I'll put the blame about me being young.
Honestly, I'm having hard time identifying the things I need to work on to. But not as difficult as before. Now, I'm just not being consistent of my action plans that's why I'm so inconsistent of myself as well. Nobody, including me, wants to be called a jerk or be considered as someone having personality problems. Buddy once shouted at me about that thing and I was really hurt.
I'm trying to become a better person coz I feel like I'm a selfish daughter to my mom. Sometimes I can't give her what she exactly needs (FYI: I'm the chief income earner since Dad is no longer working). But to defend myself, I also have to leave something for me coz I'm going back to school next year, and I'm giving more than half of my monthly personal income.
I feel like I'm a bad friend. I can't seem to make my friends laugh all the time and I'm not like someone else who can crack the best jokes and say to others happenings of their everyday life, shameful or funny it may come out. Well, I'm just doing what is comfortable for me. I don't want to drown myself in embarrassment if ever I'll do that.
I feel like I'm not a deserving girlfriend for Buddy. Why? This sounds so silly but this is how I feel. I'm not like her ex-girlfriend/bestfriend. Not as nice and saintly-like as her. Not as rich and prominent as her. Simply not like her, and couple of things which does not contain reasonable words at all. I hate the vanity in me.
I have been telling myself that everyone is unique in their own way. But still I keep on wanting what other people possess without knowing that they might envy what I have that they don't also possess. Trying to emitate what "goodness" they have. This is so not me, so these should not pursue. I am a woman of straight, strong principle, and I'll never let the things I want make me forget the things I already have.
Others may think I am being so self-centered for what I confessed about what I'm feeling, but hell may care, I won't get anything by keeping inside what's hurting me so much.
This is just because of stress. Gotta take a break.
One Night One Stage
I'm now surfing at the same time and found a live performance video JUST STAND UP (, I care to take a glimpse of it since I read Mariah Carey's name. When I saw the video, live during the SU2C Show (Stand Up 2 Cancer Show), I, "oh!", these two are perfectly related. How nice! I really like the song (JUST STAND UP), the lyrics so enlightening and encouraging specially to those who lost all hopes about living because of cancer. Seeing the spectacular line up of women talent, the marvelous stage, lively band playing, audience cheering and standing up will surely live out the dying hope in you.
I took this vid for the lyrics, check it out, it might make you smile also
Surfing through and through trying to find a video of the show (live), I found this, a highlight from the Stand Up 2 Cancer Show. Since I did not found a video for the live show, I decided to post this one which is trully inspiring also.
All the videos I watched, articles and posts I read and the song I listened almost brought me to tears. Everyone is doing the greatest thing they can contribute to change the face of cancer forever. That event started the end of cancer.
Better off
Mariah looks great in this video if I would to compare it to her new singles I STAY IN LOVE. She acts far better than the latter video. She manifests more emotions and the effect of black and white adds character to it and to Mariah, herself.
Check this out guys...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Smiling upon lose
It's been a month or so when some of my workmates, teammates to be specific, were promoted, some were transferred and the others left for good. I felt so happy for them coz I knew it's where they wanted to be, and I know they'd be happier. But at the same time, it's a real sad moment of my life also. Just when you're getting closer and more comfortable with them... fate took them away.
Mr. Trulli
Bald, tall, sexy... and I used to "bully" him. Well, not really "bully", but I did not treat him real right when, in fact, he is such a nice man. There were those times I embarrassed him in front of our teammates through jokes. I guess there were also times when I was serious. I don't know what came to up to my mind why sometimes I go beyond what's reasonable. He's not handsome but real good-looking person, no wonder Jun likes him so much... obsessed, I guess. hehe! And one thing I like about him is his willingness to listen about your sentiments and dramas in life. I know a bit of his past good enough to say recovering wasn't easy for him, and here is this man who is more than willing to know your flaws when I think it should be us, who's experiences were not even half bad as what he experienced, yet we are racing who should talk first. His open-mindedness about almost all the things in life. How he's trying to make up for all he missed due to reckless young mind. How loving he is for the woman of his life now. How he values his soon-to-become-a-father. Those are just some of the things I know about him but failed to realize everyday. He was promoted and I never thought we'd miss him like this intense.
Medium height, more than chubby, less than a talker yet really intellectual. Never thought we'd be closer than I imagined we will be. First impression: BORING! But to be honest, she's not. She can crack jokes and utter words you never think a Gee would ever say. Serious she may look like, but funny when she talks. hahaha!! Tsk... aahh!!! I was under the impression that she's a symbol of secrecy but she's not... such a GOSSIP GIRL!!! hehehehe! But I actually learned a lot from her, from people to things, books to movies, malice to devil-may-care. She has never tried having a boyfriend but I bet she's gonna have one soon, someone she calls her IDEAL MAN- Derek Ramsey or Doug Kramer feature will be OK for her. hehehe! Now she's leaving for Singapore next year and we pray for all the good things to happen in her life there. I'm soon to lose one buddy here in the Phil.
A girl of her age, stable-life in general and lovelife as well, with a clear direction of her future.
We never get so close but we go out together with the same circle of friends, and in fact, her and her boyfriend-soon-to-be-husband's home is what we have come to consider our party place. Such an accomodating person really. At first, you might get intimated but she is just so natural and true. Now, same with Mr. Trulli, she was promoted. I can still remember how she, with all effort, beg our Sup to have her transferred back to our team. It was just a day after her promotion. Seeing her these days made me say I had the luxury of time knowing her but I didn't make use of it but no regrets at all coz we've got more worthwhile moments now. We "party" for reason. She got promoted with Jamie and Pigz.
Petite and looks single. Well, she is! But she's got her precious li'l Sam, her only child. She got pregnant at an early age, and if you were to ask her, she'd answer, " I used to be so rebellious so it pays everything." But now, I can tell her life is totally different from what she used to live. She is a strong woman, I can see. From all those experiences I don't think she will easily give up life's rudeness and selfishness. I appreciate everytime she shows interest in knowing some details of my 'confused' life. Such a vivid and happy person really.
They are just some of those people who marked my life with meaning and importance. Their lose means so much difference and loneliness, but I know I can cope up with it.
Don't cry because it' over, smile because it happened.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I've been disappointed for couple of times but I never thought I'd feel this way. This is so different from all the disappoints in my whole life! This weighs so much that it seems like my dreams are shattered.
Hatred and madness for myself is slowly cripping inside of me! Hatred and madness for all of THEEEEMMMMM!!!! My God, this can't be! I pray this is just pure discrepancy or else I will really scream to death!!! What's gonna happen to all of my plans now. Shit!!! F@#*!!!!!
Buddy is, I think, too busy (like what he just texted), to feel what I'm feeling right now. So I texted Jun right away. I know he can't do anything but at least I've bursted out my disappointment and anger. A little relief, at least!!! This is really sooooooo shitty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Have a break...have some kit kit
I just don't have the passion to finish reading my Paulo Coelho ELEVEN MINUTES.
Maybe because of last week's soooooooo stressful, busy and hectic sched.
Maybe I just need a little break
Maybe I should not worry my mind and not think of anything with much effort.
Maybe I need to chill and just relax... take it easy.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Constant Change

Nothing is constant. Everything changes. Physical features. Mind settings. Even feelings... even emotional status.
I really don't understand why I'm feeling this way after a short phone conversation with Buddy during my 15mins break.
But even before that, I already called him up around 2:00pm, it was drizzling and I was looking at the glass window of the cab I'm in, on my way for our rehearsal. I'm late for it, but I'm not worried. I'm feeling much worried about my lack of sleep. huh! It's been a week now that I get to sleep for only 4-5 hours. It could have been alright if I'm working the regular hours, but I'm not, unfortunately.
Anyway, this is how our conversation goes...
Ring... Ring... Ring... (loud music background).
ME : Sa'n ka?
BUDDY : Sa ecafe, soundtrip lang with the boys.
ME : Papunta ako ___, for rehearsal. Bukas na Big Night.
BUDDY : Ang tulog mo?
ME : Kunti lang... kailangan e sacrifice eh.
BUDDY : (audible sigh) Punta pala akong Manila bukas.
ME : Huh?! Ba't biglaan?!
BUDDY : Nabigla nga rin ako. Sina Ate M kasama ko. Kilala mo lahat ng makakasama ko. May bagong negosyo raw.
ME : Kailan ka uwi?
BUDDY : Di pa nga ako nakaalis, uwi na pinag-uusapan natin. haha!
ME : Sige wag ka na umuwi ha...
BUDDY : Hahaha! Balik agad kami.
ME : Gaano kaagad?
BUDDY : Di ko pa alam. Text kita pag nakuha ko na ticket ko.
ME : K, sige text nalang kita for updates sa mga lakad ko today.
BUDDY : Sige, ingat ka! Fruits ha... saka vits mo.
ME : Yes po! Bye!
I didn't even waited for his "BYE" and "I LOVE YOU", I cut the line as soon as I finished saying the long word of BYE, but if I waited I doubt he would say "I LOVE YOU". Why? I don't know. I just felt that he won't. I'd rather hung up first than hear him hung up first on the other line instead of hearing the expected " I LOVE YOU".
I didn't pay much attention about what I just knew, thinking that 99% about his Manila weekend trip will not pursue and we can then spend the weekend together.
Later that night, I called him up during my break to verify about his flight, and after expecting that he will say he won't be leaving for weekend, I just got disappointed. He informed me the opposite. He's leaving and coming back Monday morning. I can't almost say anything but I tried to compose myself. Not really a big deal actually but there are just lots of things we need to talk--- about us. I can't understand our scheme and way of communicating with each other- text messages, phone calls, his visiting home which he very seldom do and I think the last time he did it was like centuries ago. Is he just inconsistent about his life in general? Not limited to lovelife? Or some other reason bigger and more serious than that? Is he falling out of love and getting so jaded about me... about us? And would want to go for another relationship?
I hung up the phone and went back to my pad. I was thinking over things. We are not as sweet as other lovers are. We were never very sweet, I guess, and not the PDA type. I used to think it's perfectly fine and in fact I like it. PDA type of relationship is too immature for me and very inappropriate, but now it seems like all the love in our relationship is slowly passing out it's existence and close to cease it's functioning, and I'm blaming it about us not being so sweet.
I thought I have fully adjusted with our setup. Buddy on the other side of the world, and me here in this other lonely side. What used to be a 'sweet and passionate always' now seems to be a bitter and stressful nothing.
Here I go again! I can't name the feeling I have now. I am mad! But I can't tell if it's for him or the idea that he's leaving.
I tried feel myself and search inside my heart the love I'm feeling for him that I've been trying to keep for so long. Surprisingly, I can't find it. I was shocked! No this can't be! I love him, I know that!
Am I just feeling this way due to disappointment that my plans for us can no longer be possible this weekend?
Or, is it because of our very inconsistent way of communication and he seems to be so cold almost all the time these past few weeks?
Is it because he doesn't tell me he is missing me like the way he used to say it to me?
About the thought of him leaving, maybe?
A lot of possible reasons I know we can talk about and slowly fix. Hopefully, just that.
I pray this won't be something so serious...
But it can't be about falling out of love.
... I pray...
Constant Change (PART II)

We've been like this for how many days... It's been like this for how long, I don't know...
Buddy's off for Manila and the last time we saw each other, had dinner and finished a bottle of San Mig Light each, was last Sunday. I've been waiting for this Sunday to come but my excitement slowly died down when he surprisingly announced he's spending weekend in Manila, and will be coming home in 2-3 days. I felt his eagerness to visit his place. But disappointment reign after knowing he's leaving Saturday, the day I planned of couple of things we can do after The Big Night.
Last Sunday was not a good day for both of us. We were not able to spend much time since I had some more important things to do, he too had. We even had a li'l (just a li'l) argument when I made him wait just to know afterwards that I'm done eating dinner with my friends which means he gotta eat alone, but of course me with him. OK. Mali na ako. But still wer had fun that night.
So generally, this week is chaotic and depressing. I was pondering on things and trying to assess our relationship and the things that's been happening to me...about us, exactly. I'd be stupid if I say "Everything is going smoothly and there's no problem at all.", coz it's obvious that both of us are having hard time, these past few days, coping up with each others priorities, interests, and needs in each of our now separate lives. Or in short, hardly trusting each other?
Gone are the everyday sweet messages.
Gone are the the everyday "Good Morning!"
Gone are the picking up from work.
Gone are the party night outs with him.
Gone is He...
And I'm feeling so sad...
I feel like I'm a failure...
Friday, December 5, 2008
Deep Down Depression?
Can't write.
Stressed out.
Can't exactly tell if I'm down.
Or maybe just depressed?
For sure not broken-hearted.
Lack of sleep.
What else?
Don't know.
...I just don't know...
I badly need a break...
Saturday, November 29, 2008
A New "Fling"

I finished THE ZAHIR and now I'm with ELEVEN MINUTES. I tried VERONIKA DECIDES TO DIE before these two but honestly it didn't get my interest. I don't call myself a Paulo Coelho fan, I don't follow his principles and philosophies in life. Not yet. He is still a stranger coz I just 'met' him and decided to make him part of my Interests List.
A friend of mine who was a PolSci grad then went to Law school, but unfortunately did not chose to pursue it to follow her dream I consider much more practical, 'introduced' me to Paulo Coelho. His novels are not my type actually which I find so boring. I go for Anne Rice's vampire and immortality stories, or Sidney Sheldon's passionate and sexual ways of expressing love and sweet revenges bringing you to places near and far-from the east to the west, from south to north.
I gave Coelho a try, and the very hour I reached the last page and read the last remaining word of THE ZAHIR, I considered it a great discovery. I liked it! It may seem like a simple story of a husband thinking was abandoned by his wife for a lot of possible reasons, but it implies more of life and knowing one's self.
And now, ELEVEN MINUTES is not making me sleep...more sleepless days and nights to come for sure. How Coelho started the novel already gave me a good impression of it and of him as well. From innocence to mastery, from nothing to everything, from love to sex. It's so realistic for me!
His novels are now my new interest, like a fling always eager to be with, sharing the fun and enjoyment of leisure time. Even if I know there is something more important to look at to, I still take time to give a simple glance of it, or even peep.
And I think I'm starting to love my new "Fling". (grin)
"No more coffee..." PART II

This is another dramatic bullshit day! 'tang ina! I should have not consumed that mug of latte sweetened which I so like. For how many days I was able to get rid from drinking coffee and I hate today! I really hate this fuckin' day! I feel so sick I wanna puke, head so damn aching, can't organize my thoughts well, I am shaking, I can't almost breath, my hands and feet are so fuckin' cold and sweating though it's so cold in here, and it's giving my tommy an acidic-like feeling. And the worst of all- PALPITATION!!! I know it's my fault but I'm just driven madly in love with coffee.
Next time I should not forget my vitamins so I can get myself away from coffee. (sigh) What else can I do? Coffee devoured me but I enjoyed it...
A week so dragging
A bit exciting though, coz Tuesday is coming and it's payday! With a very good amount of paycheck, I think I've won the prize for the days I work. Good enough to convince one's self I can still make it for the remaining three days.
We are halfway now guys! It's Wednesday and more exciting. I'm richer than yesterday (bragging) and I think I need to give myself a great break and rest. A little bit of sleep, lunch out with my friends and Buddy, a movie to remind me how high it feels being in love, night out to chill and empty bottles...good enough for me to be absent. *-*
Gotta pick up what's left from work. Can I still use my SLs? I still have three. Sorry girl, gotta go back to work. Abuse... I just have to imagine tomorrow's gonna be Friday and today is Thanksgiving Day.
Whew! At last it's Friday! Surprisingly, I don't feel as excited as the previous weeks about the thought of Friday night-last day of work and weekend is here again. I don't seem to care. Not excited, not planning anything for weekend, but not that I still want to work. Just no emotions at all. OK fine. I'll just sleep, blog, sleep, blog...
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I'm broke but I'm happy
I am so burdened with responsibilities not suppose to be mine. I am worrying my young mind of problems supposedly my parents should be thinking. I have been telling myself I should be grateful I am earning and I am helping my family. It's a nice scene seeing my sisters and brother with smiles painted on their face for they are not experiencing the scarcity I 'suffered' when I was their age. I AM SORRY but I find it too much already, I guess.
Too much coz I can't even buy the things I wanted for so long. I'm not being mean and self-centered, I'm being selfless, actually. I can only get what's cheap, cheaper and cheapest when I know I deserve something better.
I have to think of this and that before I think of myself. I mean, it's total discouragement on my end if I'm getting nothing for all my hardworks. Everybody deserves a reward for a job well done and I know I deserve to have one.
Huh! Again, I can only do so much. I can only scold myself but I can't afford to leave them. I'm not that hard, yet. I just feel battered with responsibilities not mine, but in the end, I know I would still offer myself to take all those. I can't deny, the bitterness I'm feeling right now will just be easily washed out by the eagerness of giving my ALL to see them happy and contented.
In the long run, I should still be glad coz I'm blessed with what everybody needs-MONEY. I should feel more thankful, rather than being bitter. I don't beg for alms in the street just to earn. I have a descent job I'm being paid handsomely. Me and my family can eat three times daily (even more), we can still go out together, my siblings go to school and they get to join clubs and organization coz I can afford to pay and they celebrate birthdays with cakes and presents.
I weighed things well and the final conclusion is, it still feels much more rewarding if you give up your own wants for those people you love just to see them happy and enjoying their life. You feel enjoyment and happiness too.
Maybe God has better plans for me. Maybe he's still preparing the best recipe for a very special food for me. Maybe much better taste than what I want now. I don't have to rush things up, I have to remind myself of that all the time. I know I can have something I can call my own, in the near future. Maybe that's gonna be my greatest reward for all these.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
The Key Chain and the Letter

Buddy texted me so early, which is very unusual about him. Indeed, he was pissed.
Nagtxt na lahat ng tao pro ang pnka mportante sa buhay ko, ewan ko lng...tapos galit k pa sa'kin...Sory na oh!
Hnd k tlga mkklimutan ang araw na 'to...pnakamalungkot...
Sirang-sira na talaga araw k...walang kwntang kaarawan... :-(
After reading those three messages, I decided to text him back.
Hndi nmn aq galit sau khapon ah..drama lng on my way hom.txt u 1s i aryv.muah!
(no respose from him)
I knew I was so rude. If he only knew how eager I was greeting him and telling him all those inspiring wishes. But I gotta stop myself from doing that. Again, it's not part of the plan. When I arrived home, I texted him with a simple...
Jst got hom.gotta sleep na,work pa later.txt me wat time ka punta rito para mkapunta tau church.gudnyt!tsup
(no response from him still)
(Goodnight is our greeting when we go to sleep regardless of the time.)
I slept until 3:00am. Still I didn't receive any messages from him when I woke up, so I decided to text him first. It took a few minutes before I got his response. He told me he's not picking me up at home, he so hate traffic, since it was also the feast day of one of the places there. We came up to the plan of just meeting at my Aunt's house-they're celebrating the feast-so we can eat there and proceed to the church, then he can drive me to work. Just the very normal scheme for us.
For that whole afternoon and while we were at my Aunt's house I acted so mean and cold. I wanted him to feel like I really don't care. I asked him to return to me the F07 key chain he borrowed which he was suppose to return last week, but he did not. He acted like trying to pacify himself, afraid he might ruin his own special day.
Everything happened as how they were planned. Around 6:30pm we were already travelling the road to my workplace and there were few drops of rain falling that time. We were just so silent while he was driving, so unusual for us. We arrived earlier than expected-an hour before my shift would start. He was shocked yet surprised for a split second when I said, "Chill tayo. Gusto ko uminom tonight.". With a cute smile on my face. He looked at me and didn't say a word at first, maybe thinking if I am kidding. He then managed to say, "Sure ka? You have to work."
"Yeah I'm not kidding. Medyo malamig so cool mag-inuman. Actually, I'm on leave.", I replied.
"Huh! Hindi mo sinabi sakin.", he only afford to say.
"Naka shorts nga lang ako."
"Yeah, ba't di'ko napansin?"
"Treat ko. Let's go."
For that part of the day, what I planned didn't happen as how I wanted it to be.
Club musics, people around us on their own tables drinking, hearing their laughs and the sound of beer bottles, seeing those familiar lights of the streets, car parked and other party goers still coming, and the two of us talking over a set of SML. I wanted to feel so free that night. That's how I imagined things to be.
But everything changed when he suggested that we go to their place first, so we can also greet two of his cousins who were celebrating their birthdays that same day. I agreed since I haven't visited his Aunt and grandma for almost a month already, I guess.
We arrived there, he had conversation with his cousins. We watched television with his other Aunt, and his other cousins were also their. We were laughing, as if I was part of their family. I was enjoying the moment but the other side of my mind is wondering what's his plan for that night. He's not suppose to ruin what I have already plotted. I wanted to tell him that we need to go, but at the same time I don't want him to feel bad when he was trying to savor the moment with his family during that special day. I just waited for a sign from him.
It was already 11:oopm when we left their place. It was, I think, a good timing since his cousins look so sleepy already. Now we can go back to that place we used to go when we were still not so serious about our lives, when we only know money for party, no real priorities yet. And now is the time to feel that way again, even if only for this night coz the real world would be waiting for us once the sun will rise again.
He's always the club fashionista I so love, he may not have that 'sexy' lean body build.
He said we should not go so far since it's already late. It sounded so surprising to me. This is never late for you, how come now it is? We used to start our 'life' around 1:00am, or the worst 4:00am, now you're telling me IT'S LATE? I prefer to just keep my mouth shut, maybe he had something better on his mind that time.
He brought me to a not so big house. There was a wide lawn, Christmas lights on the roof of the house(basically it was dim), tables and chairs were also there, there was also karaoke and a few men we're singing, it was solemn and much more quite than the kind of place I want to go. There was a group of men already drinking . Obviously, it was a small drinking area.
I found out that it was his friend's house, they used to chill their just with other friends, as well. His friend's parents used to sell halo-halo, until all other residents in that area go their just to have some drink. (Instead of the halo-halo, they settled for beer) Later, political personalities also go their just to have some drink, until they have decided to turn it into something that they can earn more. And that's how it started.
The place was undeniably nice. It's really good for those who just want to give themselves a break from their stressful days of work. Sometimes, partying a lot is not a good pay or reward for yourself, not a good comfort zone for a stressful lifestyle. But despite the appreciation, I still disagreed with him. The aura of the place just didn't suit my mood for that night. But what else can I do, a bottle of beer has been served and opened. OK. I'll just try entertain myself. It's not bad after all. I don't believe the place will hinder us from doing the same thing we want to do to that place I want to go.
Yes, indeed. We really had fun, we had conversation and we talked to each other like we're just close friends. Second bottle, we're both tipsy and his friend who owned that place arrived. He introduced me to him, three of us had conversation but basically it's only the two of them talking about those people I'm sure I haven't encountered my whole life. We finished that second bottle, I suggested we go home since it was already past 12:oomn.
I can't remember how I managed to get in his room. Both of us we're already sober. We lied down, he turned off the light and we were suppose to go to sleep then. But before I go on dreaming, with all my might I stood up and grabbed my bag. I gave him something, that Ferrari 2007 key chain he always wanted to add in his collection but can't buy one coz whenever he does, it's sold out all the time. He borrowed mine, he so like it, and even begged for me to give it to him. But I did not coz it's really my plan to buy him a new one (i owe my thanks to Randy for the F07).
Though I did not see the expression in his eyes, but from the sound of his voice, I can tell he was really glad having it and the simple celebration we had for his birthday. I then gave him the letter I wrote just that day before I went to sleep after my shift.
"I'll just read it tomorrow.", he said.
"Happy Birthday 'geng. It was really my intention not to greet you, to piss you. My plan. But this day is for you."
"Aaahh!! Kainis ka talaga. Thanks dude!"
He then hugged me so tight and gave that very sweet kiss. "I love you dude!", he whispered. Those were the last words I heard from him before I fell into deep sleep.
*I was suppose to prepare something bigger-a surprise birthday party. But sadly, I was so broke that time so I settled for the simplest yet still memorable-I hope it was. *_*
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
"No more coffee..."

I really need to give up this craving for it's not doing good for me, eversince before. It's causing palpitation and it's like I'm having hard time organizing my thoughts, even the words I'm suppose to say. (funny uh!)
That's why I so hate myself today! I did not consume a mug or two of coffee though, but I took more than a sip of it. It feels so relieving giving warmth inside and it makes me feel alive. And I suddenly remembered that yesterday I consumed a mug of coffee. This is my vice. And I'm having hard time giving this one up. It's causing me headache and drowsinesss yet I still love it.
I'm not into smoking. I'm very into alcohol, but I can control my wanting of it. But coffee? Absence of it is making me weak. Effects of it physically weakens me as well.
I know I can give this up, like how I did it two years ago. I guess I'll just go for water and alcohol.
Monday, November 17, 2008
I am alone
I want to escape from this world where I am now, if only I can. I don't want to think of any responsibilities even just for now. I don't want to think of work and performances, and if possible not work at all. I want to forget the debts I have. I want to eliminate from my thoughts the expected large amount of expenses for the coming Holidays. I just simply want to feel those people who are playing important roles in my life.
I want to go to paradise and clear myself from any thoughts that's bothering me right now and I want to have them with me. I am expecting to hear words from them good enough to comfort me. I am not searching for intelligent and knowledgeable people who can give me the most practical advise. I only want those who I love so dearly- and loving me more in return. Unfortunately, they are not around to rescue me from this drowning of loneliness and boredom I am experiencing. I turn my head but no one is really around. I am alone. No response from them after I shouted for help. I guess I have to leave for paradise alone and lighten my emotions all by myself.
I need to understand that things doesn't always have to happen on how you want it to be.

And suddenly, after a very long moment of being alone, I realized that what I actually want to do is settle things down. Which is also the right thing to do. There's no escaping in this world of reality. I need to put things back in it's place.
The previous year and this year made me experience the bitterness of life and of how it feels when you don't think of any responsibilities, though in reality, you have a lot to look after. I am feeling all the regrets I should feel and it's hurting so much. It feels like there's no other way out. It's making me cry.
But at the same time, behind the pain and regrets, I need to see what more it's giving to me-realization and renewal of one's self. I need to look straight so I can make my dreams possible. So I can attain what I want in life which I already buried in forgetting for so long.
Two years of Darkness and Depression is enough for me to have a lifetime of Light, Success and Happiness.
A Memory of Fame
Unfortunately, we were not able to accomplish our mission and just got a response from one of our night out buddy before that he'll just file undertime after 3 hours for he is having soar throat. With much excitement he said, " Dude, follow ako. I'll file undertime. Text ako ha, dalhin ko CVR ko! Sige, briefing pa." After exchanging new contacts, he immediately left and we decided to leave too. I know he wouldn't come as he promised. I know him, so better not expect. OK. We'll just do our own way of chilling.
After a tedious yet enjoyable chilling, we decided to go online together. Surprisingly, he agreed. The funny thing is, we argued on what eCafe to go to. And just ended up somewhere near my place.
Now, he's checking YouTube, while I'm checking my blog, emails and Friendster. We are not paying attention to one another until suddenly, with much eagerness, he called me up to check YouTube and search NGANONG NI ENTER!, their album-collection of all hip-hop and rap music- and the title of one of their tracks contained in that album, . I was so entertained when I saw the video of some teens doing one of their tracks.
Here's what I got:
After watching and sharing crisp laughs with Buddy, I found this another video...
We were really so impressed with those teens on how they appreciate the Cebuano music industry and how they realize the effects of ENTERing into something which is of no good, only pure fun. It may look like they are only doing this for entertainment but it's also flattering on the original artist's end-KONIGS- that of all the music they can try imitate, it's their track they choose. Which simply means, in this competitive world of music industry, you may weather and die down, people will forget your fame, no more shouts and screams of appreciatons in stage, but there are still people out there who recognizes the things you made, remembers you, buys out your CDs, and singing your songs trying to imitate your style, which you least expected.
There were actually few comments for the video which we think are from their friends, so we decided to leave a comment to gratify and appreciate what they made. Naw-T-doG is actually hoping of meeting them one day.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
You're Never Far from Me
(Mariah Carey)
You're with me
Till the better end
What we had transcends
This experience
Too painful
To talk about
So I hold it in
Till my heart can mend
And be brave enought to love again
A place in time
Still belongs to us
Stays preserved in my mind
In the memories there is solace
Never too far away
I won't let time erase
One bit of yesterday
And I have learned that
Nobody can take your place
Though we can never be
I' ll keep you close to me
When I remember
Glittering lights
Incandescent eyes
Still preserved
In my mind
In the memories
I' ll find solace
You're never too far...
My Sweetest Downfall
I failed from my previous relationship. I failed to show respect for myself. For my partner. But I blamed it all to him. Shame on me!
Then there came you. A person with cool personality. Party goer. Can withstand drinking for longer hours. Fond of music. And mature. From all those personalities I saw in you, I looked forward to a better relationship than what I had. Much cool relationship, diba?
We tried to work things out- though we should not have tried it, in the first place. Congratulations! Everything happened as expected. Real smooth sailing, sweet one. Nothing to argue with. No disputes at all--------for the first few months.
But look where we are standing now. Some things are never meant to last. Unexpectedly, we shift love-style. Now all I can only do is reminisce what used to be so sweet and really promising. Thanks to my kakapalan ng mukha that even after all the shedding-tears-moments, I was still able to face those I shared all my stupidity with. Thanks I still know ME.
There's no more hundreds of "I LOVE YOU" and " I MISS U" messages from you everyday. No more surprise picking up from work. No more eager voice of " PLS VISIT ME IN MY PLACE...miss u...". No more nonsense, sweet conversations. No more songs dedicated for me. No more "I'M SORRY's" after misunderstandings. All we have are arguements trying to prove we are right from the other. Saying excuses why this and that shouldn't be. We're left with No More...
There are lots of questions I want to ask but can't find the right words. I am not satisfied from the answers I got but I can't probe or clarify any further and just settled to JUST IT and COME WHAT MAY. I'm leaving myself hanging. But I can't leave him coz I know he's trying to give the peace of mind I deserve. I just prefer it this way.
I'm hurting deep inside. I know that. The crisp of my laughs and genuine-like smiles are not enough to convince myself I'm totally happy and contented. Yes! There is something more I can do but prefer not to, for I know it'll hurt me alot. Much painful than what I'm feeling right now.
I can spit in his face. I can shout. I can say bad words. I can take revenge. I can leave. I don't think I will lose ME. But I still prefer not to.
I also need to admit to myself that he's making me laugh even in a worst nonsense nothing to a most important something. Making me excited in every dates. Making me look my best whenever we're out. And he's proud of me. He's my number one fan in my greatest interest in life. And I do love him for that.
I may look and sound stupid for you, but this is easier for me, making me comfortable and at ease, as for this time. I can only say words. I can't do anything. I can only do so much. Sorry to me, I just can't leave him...yet.
"You are my sweetest downfall", I say.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
LBJ's jaw-dropping dunk!!!
A WOW! for you Mr. James! I am not a basketball fanatic but this headline from Yahoo! caught my attention. LeBron James dunked from the free throw line. Imagine that?! Maybe, next game, he can try doing it from the three-point line. *_*
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Welcoming Mimi with Bye, bye
This song made me love Mariah so much...
There's something with it I can't name, but I just simply like it alot!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
"Mah Khain N Only"
It's been almost a year now but still pondering on what I could have done better. There could have been no complications-for all of us. She could have been happier. I could have not broke her dreams. I'm dwelling in "could have" now. But it's not a regret, though it used to be.
You raise yourself so hight until no one can see you anymore. You claim your throne in the pedestal but you don't have one. You think you standout but you don't actually. Not so long but for quite sometime, I was living-or should I say hallucinating- to that thought. But it did never happen. It's too late, then you realize. You've fallen so hard from somewhere so high. The cut so deep and it hurts a lot. But rewarding on the latter part. It'll paint a smile on your face that time can never erase. So you say, you're no longer hallucinating coz you've seen reality. And you're serious about it, not just what they call short-term realization.
The Great Destroyer
Everything started from a simple handshake to flirting around. It grew to going out together to something "no strings attached". From there, time pulled it to somewhere SERIOUS and TRUE. And there goes I LOVE YOU!
Everyone knows it could happen but should not pursue. We will hurt her. Coz he will leave the 7 year long relationship they so value, not to mention the years before that. They were more than lovers. We are less than friends. Isn't it ironic if he will give her up and choose me over her? But that's life, REAL IRONIC, for he did choose me and left her.
Just when you think you have been chosen, but memories of her still lingers in him. Alive, very much alive! And it feels like time pulls you back to when it was you were only second.
Yes! You were chosen so you should be someone in his life. Or more than someone. You should be the only one. Valued. Loved. Caressed. You should be a titlist. But you're not! You're not called by something so dear and special. He can only write your name in a clean sheet of paper without anything. Nothing else, only that! Then you found out he already wrote someone else's name with the best colorful and creative design around it. That's why he only wrote yours the simplest he could, you conclude.
Unconsciously, you live life the different way. Pride, envy, selfishness eating you up and you're almost gone. But you can't allow it to happen coz you think you're one of the best and you can do the greatest. It's either you stay with him and mess your life out, or leave him...then what? So you decided to leave thinking you're better off alone. But he stopped you. Does not want to lose you. Wants to be with you for as long as he knows he loves you.
So you stayed. You're no longer one of the best for you let someone influence your decision, you told yourself.
Everyday became the worst days of your life. Time passed so slow and you're counting every minute and hour. You lost your life of fun and enjoyment because you chose to stay with him and mess your life out. You decide to leave again. He stopped you. All of a sudden, it's you already stopping yourself leave. You don't have any reason, in the first place, you said. You're better than her. Prettier. Much elegant. Outgoing. That's why he chose you. You should not envy! You should stay and prove to everyone and to your self you can do better than what she can for you have more than what she have.
Not a day goes by without thinking anything about her and him- what they were before, what they've done, places they've visited, beaches they've discovered and stuffs which doesn't make sense at all. You're getting PARANOID for the reason you don't certainly know. You are living in illusions! Illusions about them coming back in each others arms for they can't let go what they have cherished for so long. Illusions of them much happier together. And all those illusions brought you in tears. Tears of great misery. And you realize you don't know yourself anymore. Full of hatred and madness. Envaded by pride and self-pity. Are you mad at them about the thought of much closer relationship? Or are you mad at yourself for you can't accept the fact that there was this person in his life he so value before you even exist? The latter makes more sense, you found out.
You can no longer get out from the emotion imprisoning you right now. There's no way out. The thought of a wrecked up life is playing on your mind.
Fixing and Mending
All your life, you look forward and dreamed of a fairy tale-liked tomorrow. But look at yourself now, you're starting to take the path to an unhappy life. You sure don't want to end up in mud for the reason of bad illusions and hallucinations.
Yes. She is true. He is real. They both exist in your life. But you can't even prove to yourself that those things you suspect did really happen.
You gotta open your mind and your eyes to know the real score. You gotta get out from the depression you're into.
Keep right.
Be yourself.
Gain more confidence.
It seems like you're going back from the beginning when you were still learning to walk and talk. But if it has to be this way just to straighten up everything, you'd take the risk or whatever. It wouldn't hurt anyway.
Nothing is easy when you're following what's right. Just as what is happening to you. Temptations come in nice wrappers. But it still wouldn't stop you. The pursuit of real happiness takes time. You're not giving him up. And you'll be the BEST someone in his life. You're a WISE ONE. You know how to clean up your mess.
Things happen when you least expect it to. You wake up one day, heart so light. Mind so peaceful. Is this now the fruit of my sacrifice? My reward?
Envy. Pride. Self-pity. Selfishness. Hatred.
What are these? They are strange and unknown words to me. I can't imagine myself dwelling on these kind of emotions. I AM HAPPY NOW! Happy for I have learned the true meaning of living and loving.
Life is REAL IRONIC. I have to admit that I regret all profanities that came out from my mouth. It was for them but it came back to me. It's triple times painful. She did not even feel bad about what we did. How come I did? She did not mess up her life when she lost someone special. How come I did when I got him?
But now is my time to make up. I may never have the best title and endearment from him but I am someone he loved and he still loves. "Mah Khain N Only" is very special for him and I am too, I know. I can never have her title. Can never match her. Coz she did different, and I too. I can not love him the way she did . But I can love him more than she do in such a way i know.
I should not go wrong the second time around. I hurt her once but such a great blow. I'm hurting him countless of times. I've made the greatest realization in life. I am happy and set myself free from anything...I may lose him. She may have her again. I would still be happy.
I can never be her and she can never be me.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Tonight I declare.
I do love music but did not bother dig deeper to it for the fact that music doesnt even give much interest to me ;-) . I do know Mariah Carey, who doesnt? Name highlighted as one of the greatest stars ever born.
After listening to her new singles, I Stay In Love, over and over again, I fell in love with it. And tonight I declare, she's my ultimate idol. hehe!
Thanks to my friend who influenced me soooo much. Thanks for sharing the mp3 while playing the song. (can't help but laugh...)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I don't feel rebellious, and I'm not one. You're so wrong dear. I've been there and I'm not going there again, not anymore. I can't afford to be aloof and away from myself for one more time. You once define me as REBELLIOUS and I'm saying now you're wrong. Maybe with how I live my life before, but not anymore. I'm saying it once again. Try to look at yourself and what you've just done. You screwed up almost everything for just a night for a mistake I've done.(well, I can't even call it MY MISTAKE...) I have no idea where you are right now. You're not even answering my calls. I'm not hearing anything from you and it's so crazy I can't close my eyes to sleep. This is sure guilt I'm feeling inside. In fact, I've already shed tears for what happened. No, it's not my fault. I don't even have the slightest idea that you were there and I shouldn't be feeling this conscience thing. I know you will understand and I guess you should understand. I'm sorry to say this but I hope that slap from a cop will wake you up of what you did.
This doesn't sound like a simple issue. Don't know what dramatic apology I am gonna be doing just to give you peace of mind and comfort after what happened. You might be with your bestfriend right at this moment, that might sound stupid but the most possible ,right? She's been the one your sharing your flaws with eversince...even before my existence in your life.
The song that's playing right now doesn't seem to fit my mood. Hahahaha! Such a funny thing, I played Rihanna's TAKE A BOW. The more it didn't fit. Well, these songs just made me feel a li'l lighter though head's kinda heavy.
You're more than a man with your age and I know you can clean the mess you've made. I'm gonna clean mine as well, of course. Everything's gonna be put back in place coz WE ARE NOT REBELLIOUS! ayt?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
"...liko's tuo padung Jones Avenue, you gotta say it cool..." Mao kini ang lyrics sa kantang "Lakbay-Lakbay" sa Missing Filemon nga akong nadunggan sa jeep nga akong gisakyan sayo sa buntag padung sa trabahoan. Gisundan dayon kini ug "...ang among balay, ang among atop...kay ang atong kinabuhi lingin..." ug ginuntan sa "...oh estambay! Dili mangita'g away..."
Hilom akong nakatawa ug nabuhian nako ang usa ka timi nga pahiyom nga mikulit sa akong bayhon pagkadungog sa maong mga kanta, samtang nakita usab nako ang konduktor sa jeep nga bibo kaayong nisabay pagkanta.
Dili na gayod ikalimod ang dali nga pagsikat sa lahi nga genre sa musika, lumad gikan sa Sugbu- ang BISROCK. Duha pa lang ka tuig ang paghari niini dinhi sa dakbayan apan nakuha na niini ang interes ug ang kasing-kasing dili lang sa mga Sugbuanon kundili lakip na usab ang ubang mga tawo sa laing dapit.
Ang pagsugod ug ang kalamboan sa Bisrock akong nasaksihan. Nagtungha pa lang ako sa kolehiyo sa dihang unang migimaw ang mga matawag nga pioneering bands sa Bisrock- Aggressive Audio, Missing Filemon, Scrambled Eggs, Jimmycycle, Phylum ug daghan pa. Samtang naa kami sa akong suod nga higala sa pagkanta-kanta. Magkataw na lang sa maong mga nga nag-iyahay og pangyamiid gikaluhaan sa kahibulong kung unsang matanga sa kanta ang among gikalingawan. Sila igo lang pud sa pagpangutana, "Unsa nang kantaha, oy? Mugna-mugna sad mo dah!"
Gitubag sad namo sila sa pag-ingon, " Bisrock ni oy. Di mo maminaw ug Smash?" Apan bisan og kamo mapasigarbohon ug malipayon sa kanta nga among gikalingawan pag-ayo, sakit gihapon paminawon ilang mga pagsaway ug pagbiay-biay nga ang matang sa musika nga among gikalingawan nagpaila lang kuno sa among pagka-Bisayang dako. Nakatuaw ako, "Unsa man diay ta? Amerikano ug amerikana?"
Diha'y mga higayon nga daw sama ako sa bata nga gustong magpalaban sa mga susama nakong mga Bisrockers. Apan kadtong tanan wala nakababag sa pagpadayon nako pagtamod sa Bisrock. Mga CD collections, pagsaulo sa kanta, pagsaksi sa mga konsiyerto nga panagsa rang mahitabo ug ang wala'y palta nga pagpaminaw sa Smash FM. Matag higayon nga ako maka- "hearing sa mga umaabot nga konsiyerto sa among tulunghaan, sa hilom ilakip nako sa akong pangaliya ang aduna'y Bisrock bank nga motukar o kaha school band nga mo-"cover" og Bisrock nga mga kanta. Apan daw sa dakong sungog, kanunay usab nga mahimugso and kapakyasan.
Nilabay ang pila ka mga buwan ug nakahuna-huna na lang sad ko nga mobalik sa klase sa musika nga ako gyud nga namat-an - ang reggae. Apan bisan pa man sa akong nakab-ot nga desisyon, dili gihapon nako malikayan nga ang akong dunggan daw sandayong nga mosawod sa mga huning gipahaom sa Bisrock nga paningog. Hangtod nga inanay nakong namatngonan nga hinay-hinay nang misulbong ang Bisrock ug ingon man may mga kanta na usab nga Binisaya nga gipahaom sa paningog nga reggae.
Ang akong kasing-kasing misamot pagpitik alang sa Bisrock labi na nga nahimamat nako ang bagang duot sa mga sakop sa Bisrock Community nga sama kanako mahiligon usab sa maong matang sa musika. Usab nahibaw-an nako nga ang ubang mga banda nga sa una kantang langyaw ang tirada, karon nag-iyahay na'g mugna og mga kanta sa kaugalingon natong pinulungan. Sa mga kabalayan sa akong mga higala, kabahin na gyud ang mga Bisrock CDs. Sukwahi kaniadto nga wala gyu'y usa nga nagtipig.
Gipangandoy nako sa una nga hinaot ang akong mga kauban sa tulunghaan makasabay sa akong "mugna-mugna" nga kanta. Ug karon natuman na sa kataposan. Labaw pa ang gihatag nga katumanan kay dili lang ang akong mga kauban sa tulunghaan ang nakasabay. Lakip na karon ang akong mga kauban sa opisina ug ang uban sa nagkadaiyang lugam diin naabot ang pagsibaw sa Bisrock. Nadoble ang akong pagmaya sa dihang nasayran nako nga nagkadaghan na usab ang mga reggae bands nga nakahukom nga palamboon ang lumad nga pinulongan pinaagi sa musikang reggae.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I just thought that Gee was exaggerating. She haven't experienced having any Buddies in life and probably she just got carried away about the thought of getting married. I didn't feel any excitement. HONEST! Hello, I don't even know Doug Kramer(...sorry...). But of course, I know Cheska Garcia.
Well, ang kakulitan ni Gee umiral. Later during the break, she watched the vid of their wedding. and convinced me to do the same. I was shocked. I have to be honest. The wedding gown was so nice! It was, in fact, simple yet very seductive on her. S#%$*! I then watched the whole video, too. It was such a cool wedding I considered the perfect union of a God and Goddess. They are undeniably beautiful couple. It's funny but with that short glimpse of their wedding ceremony made me fall in love again after the Santiago-Barreto Nuptial.
Check out both Santiago-Barreto and Kramer-Garcia Nuptials...
SANTIAGO-BARRETO NUPTIAL : To have and to hold
Cheska and Doug SDE from Jason Magbanua on Vimeo.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
The tracks are really AMAZING!
Read more of KoNIGS from for January 2006 entries.
CDs available @ SM Cebu
Saturday, I slept almost the whole day. I was in Buddy's home, though, half of the day. And the sad thing is, my monthly sickness visited me that night (and it's gonna last for 4 days or so...). And he texted me then that we can't go out for the night, his license expired. So unfortunate!
The thing is, he doesn't even sound like he's sad, affected or worried at all about us not going out tonight after 5 consecutive days of being away. And without even good communication! Am I inlove with a robot? With an insensitive, naive person?(sorry...!) Is he already "fading away", and this is just his initial step of breaking up with me?
"I am not afraid of losing you! I just don't want alibis. Don't make me feel like I'm stupid. Say it right now! Right in my face! I'll get hurt and I'll hate you for that but I would still understand. Maybe I should tell you that I'm teaching myself not to rely on you that much. You already failed me couple of times and it's enough reason, boy! But I shouldn't blame you for anything. Don't worry. I still love you and I think I can't afford hate you that much."
So now, it's Sunday but still the same thing. Still in bed after eating such delicious breakfast, not in bed though. I might get bed sores later today so I should do something reasonable before this day ends. And I ended up writing this thing then...huh! *_*
Friday, October 17, 2008
I'm a woman living ordinarily,You're a man enjoying luxury.I'm a woman who knows no elegance,You're a man who got all the
chance.We are worlds apart, it's
obviousAnd that made me feel
conscious.How I wish we've got same
statusI could wear those classy
suits.You keep on saying "I love
you""Nobody can stop me from seeing you
through,If you only know how much you mean to
me,I don't care what others would
say."You know that I always have this
feelingI'm deaf of what they're
saying.I'm fighting, that's what I
knowAnd I'm doing this coz of my love for
you.Disparity of status, cruelty of
fate,Hope everything not yet too
late.We are worlds apart and I don't
know,If I would fight or just let this
Thursday, October 16, 2008
He doesn’t say that before, that made feel so surprised after reading his text message, ” LAHAT NAGBABAGO, MAY DUMARATING, MAY NAWAWALA. TANDAAN MO YAN…”
I can’t think of anything to say. I don’t know how to react in a sense that I don’t sound like begging. He beat me with that! And I was not able to reply right away. Minutes after, I just sent him this, ” THERE IT IS… I KNOW WHAT TO DO STARTING TODAY AND THE DAYS AHEAD…MEETING ADJOURN!”
And yes. Alam ko na nga siguro and dapat gawin this time. Then I realized I am just creating my own dilemma. I’m loving too much (which is no longer good) and I worry too much about things, when in fact there’s nothing to worry about!
I don’t wanna run after someone. I don’t wanna beg for time and love. And I so love my self for that.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
well my family's role for me is so important because there was the...dare...they was the one who...very...haha! oh im so sorry...uhm my pamily (pamily) oh my im so sorry..i i told u dat im so confident...eto, uhm wait...ahahaha!uhm sorry guys bcoz this was really my pirst pageant ever...bcoz im only 17 years old ever...oh my god! and i did not expect dat i came from (i came) from one of the tuff ten. so but i said dot,my family is the most important person in my life...thank u! "
Yes. Exactly! These lines are from our Bb. Pilipinas 2008 Janina San Miguel during the Question and Answer portion. She resigned from her title just, I guess, a couple of days after.
Check this out guys. You might want to go through the lines while playing the vid below.