Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I sent the message, more of a request, and after a few minutes I immediately received the reply. Not surprising that I received it earlier than expected coz it's still 7:30am, I just got from work, not yet asleep, still facing the comp, and maybe network not so busy yet.

I've been disappointed for couple of times but I never thought I'd feel this way. This is so different from all the disappoints in my whole life! This weighs so much that it seems like my dreams are shattered.

Hatred and madness for myself is slowly cripping inside of me! Hatred and madness for all of THEEEEMMMMM!!!! My God, this can't be! I pray this is just pure discrepancy or else I will really scream to death!!! What's gonna happen to all of my plans now. Shit!!! F@#*!!!!!

Buddy is, I think, too busy (like what he just texted), to feel what I'm feeling right now. So I texted Jun right away. I know he can't do anything but at least I've bursted out my disappointment and anger. A little relief, at least!!! This is really sooooooo shitty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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