Sunday, December 7, 2008

Constant Change (PART II)

We've been like this for how many days... It's been like this for how long, I don't know...

Buddy's off for Manila and the last time we saw each other, had dinner and finished a bottle of San Mig Light each, was last Sunday. I've been waiting for this Sunday to come but my excitement slowly died down when he surprisingly announced he's spending weekend in Manila, and will be coming home in 2-3 days. I felt his eagerness to visit his place. But disappointment reign after knowing he's leaving Saturday, the day I planned of couple of things we can do after The Big Night.

Last Sunday was not a good day for both of us. We were not able to spend much time since I had some more important things to do, he too had. We even had a li'l (just a li'l) argument when I made him wait just to know afterwards that I'm done eating dinner with my friends which means he gotta eat alone, but of course me with him. OK. Mali na ako. But still wer had fun that night.

So generally, this week is chaotic and depressing. I was pondering on things and trying to assess our relationship and the things that's been happening to me...about us, exactly. I'd be stupid if I say "Everything is going smoothly and there's no problem at all.", coz it's obvious that both of us are having hard time, these past few days, coping up with each others priorities, interests, and needs in each of our now separate lives. Or in short, hardly trusting each other?

Gone are the everyday sweet messages.
Gone are the the everyday "Good Morning!"
Gone are the picking up from work.
Gone are the party night outs with him.
Gone is He...

And I'm feeling so sad...
I feel like I'm a failure...

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